When a Vacant Home Becomes Rented, is vacant home insurance still needed?

Many clients of Vacant Home Insurance now are looking to rent their home, but can't find a renter. A home should not sit unoccupied for more than 60 days in most cases, and if a renter cannot be found for a home, vacant homeowners insurance is almost always necessary.

But what if vacant homeowners insurance is put in place, and then a renter is found. Here is our policy. If a client buys, say for example, a six month vacant home insurance policy, the owner of the policy can put a renter into the home at any time. This in no way violates the policy and is an advantage of VHIN policies. With other insurers, some clients could be forced to cancel the vacant home insurance policy and set up a new landlord policy which is administrative aggravation.

At renewal time, VHIN's insurance company and underwriters are able to continue the insurance but apply a discount because the home is now occupied, which means less risk. To insureds, it's a seamless transition with a discount. Our process could not be any easier and is does NOT require a cancellation of the vacant home insurance policy to be replaced with another.

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