The Major Insurance Companies and Vacant Home Insurance

At VHIN, we are often asked the same question. Why don't the big insurance companies insure vacant homes and provide vacant homeowners insurance? It is clear that they are not in the vacant home business, and we will assume they have their reasons, but this question is more puzzling. Why don't they let their customers know that they do not cover vacant houses?

At VHIN, we estimate that 90% of people that call us did not understand the vacant home issue. They did not understand their existing homeowners insurance company did not cover a home that is not being lived in. They tend to find out by accident at renewal time, or when they call the insurance company looking to raise their deductible to save money for example.

In other words they tell the insurance company that home is empty by accident, and then are promptly cancelled and the insurance policy is terminated.

Almost all insurance companies send a newsletter to their clients covering various topics. Why they don't tell customers on the front page "we don't provide vacant homeowners insurance" we don't know but at VHIN, we will continue to spread the word and educate the public on this important issue.

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